Ohio Manufacturers' Association Demo Training and Professional Development Resources

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FREE and OPEN Manufacturing Resources in SkillsCommons

There is no more pressing issue among Ohio manufacturers than recruiting, retaining and training workers for short term success and long-term sustainability.

The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA) has partnered with California State University, SkillsCommons to provide easy access to high-quality FREE and OPEN training resources for Ohio manufacturers and their workforce partners! The unique partnership with  supports OMA’s mission to protect and grow Ohio manufacturing.

About OMA and SkillsCommons

Featured Resource: Help Your SMEs Become Excellent Instructors!

teacher leading class

Supporting Industry Experts as Trainers and Classroom Instructors

SkillsCommons has created this FREE and OPEN online mini-course to provide professional development to industry experts, helping them establish a successful learning environment and develop teaching techniques that engage learners. There are 13 self-paced modules (10-25 minutes each).

Career Video: Welders

More Manufacturing Career Videos at Career One Stop

Workforce Training Materials by Occupation

Explore the FREE and OPEN library of materials for each occupation:

Soft Skills and Work-Based Learning Resources

Soft Skills

Manufacturing firms recognize the importance of effective soft skills, or work-readiness skills. They know that ensuring employees are prepared from the moment they step into the job is critical for their organization’s success and long-term retention of new hires. Find materials in SkillsCommons that address workplace communication, interpersonal skills, timeliness, adaptability – and more.

Soft Skills/Foundational Skills Resourcesbrowse

Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning (WBL) methods, such as apprenticeships, are educational strategies that provide students and trainees with real-life workplace experiences. Find WBL materials in SkillsCommons that address both employer and trainee needs, leading to successful work-based learning experiences.

Work-Based Learning Resourcesbrowse

Women in Manufacturing Resources

Women in Manufacturing Resources

Women in Sustainable Employment (WISE) Pathways

The Women in Sustainable Employment (WISE) Pathways IMPACTcommunity was created to share best practices and design, produce and/or digitize new and existing materials, tools, and strategies that successfully engage women in high demand career pathways where women are currently underrepresented. An editorial board made up of Subject Matter Experts assist in the critically reviewing, sharing, and developing these innovations.

Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning Resources

Work Based Learning and Apprenticeship Resources

Why Use SkillsCommons for Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning Learning Resources?

Learn how and why SkillsCommons resources can benefit your apprenticeship and work-based learning programs by supporting your mentors, managers and apprentices.

Industrial Safety Resources

Industrial Safety in Manufacturing Resources

Safety First!

Discover materials designed to increase safety awareness and know-how in manufacturing.

Recruitment Resources

Ohio Means Jobs

OhioMeans Jobs

The OhioMeansJobs website provides your human resources professionals and recruiters with easy access to a wealth of information about Ohio manufacturing jobs. Post job openings, search resumes, or learn how to make accommodations for employees with disabilities.

Training Materials by Manufacturing Sector

Customize Training Materials For Your Businesses

The open-licensed materials in SkillsCommons enable you to customize the training materials for your own purposes. You can:

  1. Rebrand the training materials with your company’s logo.
  2. Reorganize and remix the materials to create a scope and sequence of modules that align with your company’s training requirements.
  3. Retain the materials on your own server(s) so you always have access to reuse and revise the materials.
  4. Partner with a technology company to customize the training materials to meet your requirements.
  5. Partner with a community college to deliver the SkillsCommons training materials with its instructors and support services.

Partner with the Pros

Connect with Tech Companies

Partner with Technology Companies

Explore technology companies that have partnered with SkillsCommons to effectively and affordably tailor the training materials. You can partner with these select technology companies to customize the FREE and OPEN educational resources to meet the specific needs of your users by adding your company’s branding, altering language to better suit your setting, target a particular audience, and more.

partner Technology Companies

Partner with Community & Technical Colleges

Explore the list of community & technical colleges that have contributed manufacturing-related materials to SkillsCommons. Consider partnering with educational organizations to have their quality instructors and support services for employers and students deliver the training using the FREE and OPEN SkillsCommons educational resources.

partner Academic Institutions

Industry Expert 2 Expert Instructor

Help Industry Experts Become Expert Trainers

The FREE and OPEN educational resources available in SkillsCommons are just part of a strategy for high quality affordable training. SkillsCommons has also created a FREE, online mini-course that can help your subject matter experts enhance their teaching skills so they can successfully share their knowledge with other employees. This course, vetted by subject matter experts, can be downloaded or used right from the SkillsCommons site. No special technical skills or equipment needed.

join IE2EI Community